Monday, February 25, 2019

another first time I've ever seen something


  1. Somewhere in Quebec,Canada.

    1. Somewhere between insanity and brilliance too.

  2. OK, these guys must have balls like the size of the Moon - and deathwish as well. But how this truck does not flips over? I think those are legs on the right side (right of our point of view), but that small? And not stretched to the side at all...

  3. HA! Those Canadian's are a hardy bunch now, aren't they?

  4. Hmmm... According to one of my friends I shared your post with: "This must be a decomissioned airport catering car, modified."

    1. Thanks for sharing! And, wow, that's some brilliant planning ahead, to buy one of these if you anticipate using it for a moving company, and getting things in and out of the 2nd or 3rd floor the easiest way!
      Often the stairs make it impossible to get a couch up and around corners, recliners too, but big living room windows are easy to pass a big piece of furniture through!

    2. I think you're right about that. It's a great idea, but the execution is iffy.

    3. quite. they could do some safety measures, like outriders/legs to lower the center of gravity, maybe a block and tackle to transfer loads from building to transport?

    4. +1 to all that. My experience with these swaying mothers was working in an Aerial port squadron in Germany. The ones we had were equipped with outriggers, and even with that they were wobbly. Like I said, its a brilliant application, I'd be worried that the van body would move and take the ramp with it.
