Friday, July 12, 2019

A great montage of road rage clips. Useful to watch when you're tired and sleepy... not recommended if you're already pissed, or overly caffienated

The clip that starts at the 3 minute mark? Ought to be a scene in a movie - or hell, ought to be the BEGINNING of a movie and where it goes after that? I don't know. Something like Michael Douglas in Falling Down maybe, or Clerks.

This is why it's worth carrying 30 dollars worth of bear spray. If you know what pepper spray is, then you know that few people can ignore it, and you can shoot it from one car into another if the window is open. YOU CANNOT deal with it if the wind blows it back your way though, so, do NOT spray while moving, or while downwind.


  1. Actually, wasp spray is pretty good and leagle to carry.

    1. well good to know! Is it nasty and effective on people?

  2. For $3 can you can get hornet spray at Dollar General that will spray 10ft. and not blow back into your face. It doesn't have a smell but a bit in one's eyes will definitely get their attention. Plus if the police stop you with it it is now really considered an offensive weapon.
