Saturday, April 20, 2024

1949 (reposted because the blog conked out, and I deleted the 5 newest posts as one of them could have had malware code and been the problem... they weren't, so, reposting. Sorry about the deleted comments!)


  1. Flying Wings - John K. Northrop's Final Interview about why the wing was cancelled. 1979

    1. thanks for bringing this comment back! When I deleted the post, this comment and link were unfortunately deleted at the same time

    2. I thought be the case. I also learned something else so here goes. This was a comment made in regards to the original interview with John Northrop about the cancelation of his aircraft. Thought you might like to see it is you haven't already.

      The B-49 Flying Wing was another victim of the assassination of Secretary of Defense James Forrestal in 1949. Forrestal was replaced by President Truman's chief fundraiser, the deeply corrupt and incompetent Louis Johnson. Johnson had been a director of Convair, the maker of the strategic-bomber rival to the B-49, the B-36. Because of their respective inadequacies, neither Johnson nor the B-36 lasted very long in their assigned roles. Johnson was soon sacked and in the Korean War the older B-29s did the job that the B-36 was supposed to do. Secretary of the Air Force Suart Symington, by the way, was a bitter bureaucratic rival of Forrestal's and very well could have had something to do with Forrestal's commitment to Bethesda Naval Hospital, from which he was thrown from a high window. On Johnson's B-36 connections see That article, very tellingly, makes no mention of the superior B-49. On Forrestal's murder, start reading here:

    3. holy shit! I've never heard of THAT!
