Sunday, November 29, 2020

11 year old commercial I just saw for the 1st time

And I kid you not, the advertised coffee, is the Georgia brand, you see that at the top of the can, it's made by Coca Cola, but not sold in the USA, and is the best canned / bottled cold coffee I've ever had. It's simply delicious, and I haven't had any since 1995 when I was in the Navy and we went to Japan

I don't understand why it's not sold in the USA where people will spend about 5 dollars per 12 oz of coffee... but Amazon lists it for 18 dollars an ounce.

1 comment:

  1. I also love Georgia Coffee. Drank them for years while assigned at Kadena in Okinawa. I wrote Coke and told them they should sell these in the US! Good to hear someone else feels the same way!
