Sunday, April 24, 2022

this is something else, a dozen inline skaters heading downhill on an empty highway in Venezuela

Aranjuez and Carabobo are in Venezuela, or I never could have identified where this video clip was for the video, which is smooth, and makes you want to be young and full of energy to do fun stuff

Last year, on June 24th, Venezuela commemorated the 200th anniversary of a landmark victory in the Venezuelan War of Independence: the Battle of Carabobo, where Simón Bolivar led South American patriots to victory over Spanish royalist forces. 

Bolivar would mount further assaults against Spanish empire, ultimately resulting in the birth of six countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru and Venezuela.


  1. It's in Colombia. PUENTE DE LA MADRE LAURA, Mother Laura Bridge

    1. thank you... but, it's interesting that Aranjuez and Carabobo (bottom photo highway sign) are in Venezuela

    2. and the information in the bottom paragraph, show that somehow I learned it was in Venezuela, where I mention the Battle of Carabobo
