Thursday, April 28, 2022

and here's the proof that California made a series of license plates that are spelling out fucking. 4fkn444, 5fkn555, 6fkn666, see what I'm saying?


and for everyone whoever served on the subs 717 and 759 like me, to you shipmates, I say, 7FKN717, and 7FKN759 exist out there in California somewhere. I'll be looking for them. 

For all of you that can come up with something funny that's a number, then FKN and a 3 digit number, let me know. I'd love to laugh about it. 

Maybe 1FKN727 and 747, and 777? Just to talk about airliners

And how about cars that are known by 3 digits?

1FKN323, 1FKN914, 1FKN911, and all the BMWs

James Bond, 1FKN007


  1. 1FKN812 " I FKN ate one too "

    1. that is brilliant! Thanks! AND I bet they made one too!
