Thursday, October 10, 2019

There's some stuff going on here... why Honey Bunnie by the top turret for example?

The guy with the mustache looks familiar, but I can't recall why. What are the words over his head? Latin?

If that is Lex Loci, then the translation is something to the effect of "law of location" or Law Unto Myself

The flags, two forms of the Japanese? Maybe, Japanese Navy and Imperial Army?


  1. The guy with the mustache is The Captain from the old Katzenjammer Kids comic strip...

    1. Thanks! That's why I recognized him!

  2. Could be a reference to 'Lexi loci celibrationis' the legal term used in regard to common law marraige.

  3. You're right about the victory markings BTW. The rising sun ensign was used by the Imperial Navy and Army, but the U.S. used the Hinomaru (red dot) to designate an Army kill and the rising sun to designate a Navy kill.

    1. Excellent! Thanks! Yay info and education! Darn, it's no often I pose a question and get the answer, much appreciated, Al!

    2. You're welcome, btw, this isn't the only WW2 bomber named 'Super Chief' there's a photo of a B-24H somewhere that has the same name, but not the pinup nose art, it has an Indian chief. There's also a B-25 that's still flying with that name, and I think I've seen a B-29 as well. This is the only one with pinup art though.
