Saturday, October 05, 2019

cool Coronet, you know? Well, the locals in Santa Barbara don't seem to feel that way, check out the note they left on it


  1. Yeah, I call it a fake or joke thing. Author mess up after first half, it would be more likely without second part. BUT, there is a cell number to supposed authors of that note that write that WILL GIVE(!) a Prius, so he should call them and demand that Prius. There is nothing about giving away Coronet so it would be car for free! :D

    Then he can donate that Prius to someone in need and still drive Coronet. And a world will be a little better place.

    I think it is a friends joke, it's too absurd in it's form to be real. On the other hand, there is so many totally absurd thing that take place that I have grain of doubt if that was only a joke. As we say, it's so stupid that it must be real.

  2. Hahaha, like the girl from Sweden getting all the attention on global warming (which I personally believe in) Your car stole all my dreams...HOW DARE YOU!!! What a fucking nut

  3. OH MY GOD! I'm laughing so hard my stomach hurts. Tears are rolling out of my cheeks. Is this for real!?!? This has to be a prank. Even if it is Jesse, you just made my day with your pictorial response! JUST BRILLIANT! LOL!!!

    1. It's anyone's guess as to real or an attempt at making something go viral, but, I'll treat it as real until I learn it's a gag. And THANKS! I tried and succeeded to make you laugh, so, mission accomplished, time for a celebratory coca cola! Maybe I am half as funny as I think I am when I try to be

  4. I don't know if you follow internet conversations much, but overall people who express liberal opinions tend to be able to spell correctly.

    1. They also tend to think that anyone who doesn't live the way the liberals tell them to is a Nazi, and therefore deserves to be punched or worse.

    2. Oh my. Did you think the note above is a real note?

  5. Love it! Like we don't burn fossil fuel generating electricity for their Prius!

    And someone should tell the note writer that the plural of 'fuel' in this context is 'fuel'.

    The only 'scary' thing about that ride is that it's not in my driveway!

    1. Nancy and Dennis, nice come back. Like the catch on the plural for "Fuel". ;)

  6. I wonder what their kids think about the late model super large pickups that are everywhere.

    1. The author of the note probably has that as there main mode of transportation.

  7. "Liberal Faction." But there are so many of them. Which one is it?

  8. anybody try calling the phone number?

    1. UH-uh. Nooooope. I ain't calling it.

  9. Its so bad we're going to have to start eating Coronets!
