Monday, September 30, 2019

I've never seen one of these WW1 era flameless lighters, in Bibendum merch

you probably haven't ever seen one of these type of rope lighters... the rope catches the spark from the thumb rolled flint striker... and you blow on it to get the spark to start a hot cherry of burning rope material, and light your cigarette off that.

These were proven to be far safer for the soldiers who were smoking but did not want to give away their position to the enemy with a flame, during WW2.

How'd I know that? About 20 years ago I found out that there was a company that made lighters with my last name. And they made lighters from about 1930 to the late 1960s, when most American lighter companies, and other small item manufacturing was suddenly outsourced to Japan for cheaper production costs, and voila, no more American made radios, tvs, tools, etc.

by the way, interesting blog about vintage stuff

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