Wednesday, March 23, 2022

found while out walking around the neighborhood tonight


Hasn't changed in about 5 years since the last time I saw these

What in the world does the mini van need these spotlights for?

This Altima, like yesterdays Maxima, once was a sign of good taste and some extra money when buying a new car. That flat tire tells me someone doesn't give a damn about the car their parents gave them for college, and hasn't figured out that used cars are going for an extra premium amount right now. 

looks a lot like the Top Gear indestructible Hilux

there are about 3 18 packs of Stella in the back

I don't know what the hell these license plates are referring to

1 comment:

  1. Rule 5. Anonymous never forgives. - Rules of the internet as postulated by the elderly simps of 4Chan.
