Thursday, June 18, 2020

either texting or fell asleep at the wheel is my guess, but look how damn far they made it!

I'm surprised they didn't get flipped over when they went through the ditch and soft mud.


  1. I fell asleep with the cruise set on 70 onetime.
    fortunately the car didnt hit anything solid, just spun thru a bunch of small pine trees.

    1. Wow. Just wow, that must have been scary as hell.
      I was driving cross country once, back in the 90s when I did it every couple years, (not a trucker, they do it every day) when going to a new military base, or going home on vacation, and fell asleep on the interstate, through a curve. I think my brain just zonked out with the eyes open, as I made it through the curve (I looked back to see if I'd done any damage to anything and saw I'd made it through a curve) before the car next to me honked me awake. Scared the hell out of me. Pulled over at the next exit and got out and walked around. I'd had enough sleep, but, I think I just got so damn bored and hypnotized by the drone of the exhaust, etc.
      Back when there was only AM FM and cassette
