Friday, September 27, 2019

if a pilot landed on the wrong carrier, there was plenty of good natured hazing to assist the pilot in never living it down... "Girl Scout Troop 405" is my favorite, made from the 405 on the nose that either identified the squadron, or the plane

finding fun and humorous ways to let off steam at sea is a Navy thing, if you don't get it, that's fine. You probably did something else after high school


  1. The bottom photo is one of my favorites, 'must be Air Force." And the others where they crossed out the aiviator's name and changed it to Dilbert "wrong way" Corrigan. At Pease AFB we used to tag transient aircraft that weren't scheduled with painting the silhouette of a rubber chicken our ersatz mascot 'SHRAC" (short range attack chicken). Got us in hot water from time to time, but it never stopped us for long.
