Sunday, September 13, 2015

For sale, due to cheating wife. (I often advise EVERYONE to never get married) Court ordered

Found on  from a Princeton West Virginia parking lot


  1. The REAL story is that she told him, "If you put that damn chrome woman on the Charger, you're an idiot, and I refused to be married to an idiot!"

    I completely understand where she's coming from. Same goes for the mirrors.

    1. But she cheated on him! So the sign says... I wish a reporter would interview him and get the story

  2. those are so small that I never noticed them until you brought them up! But this is so messed up... why should he have to sell a car he's had since he was 16 39 years he's owned this car... I can't understand why the court ordered him to sell it. Unless he's broke and it's his only asset, and he has to get the money to pay court costs, alimony, etc
