Monday, August 26, 2024

very damn interesting graphic novel about a USMC vet of the Iraq war, coping with PTSD, working at a junkyard.. .. with really good artwork throughout, and a cool story

 The story is about Sam, an Iraq War veteran with post-traumatic stress disorder. She works alone in a junkyard and talks to her imaginary friend Mike, who is a gorilla. When she learns the junkyard's owner might sell it, she begins to see friendly aliens visiting the junkyard. When the prospective buyer threatens the aliens, Sam resists him.


  1. Dry, dark humor. Definitely is one I'm going to have friends get me, if it cant be found over here.

    1. can't you order it from Amazon?

    2. or a comic book/graphic novel website?

  2. Now that the EC has all but abolished internal customs barriers, goods from outside the EC are almost certain to be scrutinized. Before this happened there was a 1 in 5 chance you'd have to pay a customs fee (which over a period of time essentially added 20% to the cost of all your purchases), but these days there's no escape. So it's either find it locally, have someone bring it with them from the US, or pay a percentage of whatever the Customs Office believes the goods are worth.
