Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Let's hear it for all the snowplow drivers and winter service vehicles out there who are working long hours around the clock in these snowy weather conditions day and night to clear and salt roads and highways. Thank You for keeping us safe.


  1. Good post & ya....They're out tonight in Maine! Ever see this guy?.......He had to change his name after this video, I kid you not.......Welcome to Southern New England....(video has plenty of foul language if you're easily offended)...https://youtu.be/1-_ql8kuNYs?si=JU-GZrYWocD1fQrz

    1. I remember seeing that years ago... that guy is one of the few that really enjoys his job!

  2. Although in the dryest state in Aus. I heartily second that!

  3. And also the utility workers and firefighters who have to be out in the elements when it's well below freezing.

  4. We have the best drivers up here in Chelan County. I'd go out and take a picture for ya, but it's snowing like crazy!
