Monday, January 15, 2024

It's been a bad day, a horrible no good very bad day type of day. I came down with a flu I think...

my 16 year old cat I've lived with since she was a kitten, is having several health problems, and I took the afternoon off work to get her into the emergency pet hospital... 

mostly because she's dehydrated, and constipated.
 I can tell you that waiting in a cold waiting room for 5 hours, to trade a paycheck to find out that she's slightly anemic, dehydrated, etc and to get her an enema and clean out her pipes... was an awfully expensive way to accomplish what the vets didn't want to do, but evidence proved was necessary. 

Old age has caught up with her, as it catches us all, and starts shutting down the healthy organ systems

You simply can't pay people to do what you already know needs to be done, and the vet didn't want to do an enema without a 600 dollar xray first. I told her, you will get me to pay for it if you guarantee it's needed. She took me up on that, and I didn't pay for the xray as in my 25 years of taking cats to vets, they insist on an expensive X ray, and every time, it's not conclusively useful in the diagnosis. 


  1. The whole Veterinarian gig has somehow changed over the last 12 years, some have sold out to investment firms, it's all about the money, not your pet hamster. You can't even get an appointment for a cat in this part of Maine, dogs are almost just as hard unless you have a long term relationship with the Vet.....You end up at those ER's where like you said.....they take your paycheck, it's a play on your emotional attachment to your pet.

  2. I'm sorry your cat isn't feeling well. I hope she is better after taking her to the vet.

    1. thank you, the 2nd enema was a huge success, and that was my main concern. Imagine dying of blockage, that's got to be sepsis, blood poisoning, internal pressure, a lot of puking, etc. I had to get that fixed. 1400 dollars later, I kid you not, a paycheck, and her pipes are cleared out.
      Old age is a grind, and systems are shutting down, and a side note is that it caused me to decide that the next time she's feeling terrible, and there is currently an infection, a bad lung from possible fungal infection, labored breathing, dehydration, slight anemia, and resultant constipation, so... next time, she's going to get the long sleep. Not an easy decision, but age 16 is a long run for a cat. There simply aren't years left, I figure maybe 4 -6 months at most

    2. Wow, that's expensive! It's difficult, but we've had to go through that with our dogs before. You want to keep them around for your sake, but you also have to consider the quality of life they have. It sounds like you're being realistic about her situation.

  3. Sorry to read about your pal, I hope he-she sticks around. I lost my best buddy of 6 years to a coyote or something bigger than B.K.(Barn Kat). He just showed up one day and picked me. Animals know about David's diner and rescue home.
    I'm getting too old to take care of another kitty. The worst thought would be who would take care of a fur-ball if I bit the dust.
    Sure miss him......

    1. Wow! I don't recall hearing from you lately, I was wondering how you've been and how bad was last summer's heat waves?
      Thank you! Awwww! David's diner and rescue home, they oughta give you a celebratory honorarium for being a great guy! I'm sure someone famous must have been quoted as saying something about the terrific nature of people that are friends to all animals. I know there was a wonderful book Readers Digest made about 54 years ago of the best animal stories, my mom had a copy and I completely enjoyed reading it, and while I couldn't remember the title, which is Animals You Will Never Forget, I did remember the book and at least one story in it. About a tortoise that eats strawberries
      I completely feel the same way about my cat, and it worries me, as my ex was my girlfriend for about a year, and best friend for about 10 years, and she was my exceptional cat sitter, and I was her cat sitter, and she was my cat's back up if I get in a car wreck or whatever unexpected reason for dying might occur. But, then she decided that she never wanted to hear from me again, and refused to be my cat's back up. So... I'm now of the concern that if anything happens to me, my cat (who really is likely to die this calendar year, as she's in generally poor health now, slightly anemic, dehydrated, with some odd nasal thing causing her to sneeze so much... ) will not have a good person who will look out for her.
      Do I remember right, that you fix motorcycles in a shared garage / shop, and spend summers on the English canals?
