Saturday, July 09, 2022

New to me, orange and white lane dividing markers

It turns out to just be nothing but a visual cue that the BIG empty area between northbound, and southbound, that you see on the left of both photos, is a construction zone. 
the variation in the stripes, above photo to below photo, is to give the drivers the hint that they are either Northbound, or south bound. No, really? The govt thinks that the drivers can, figure that out with the color and stripes, without getting on their phones, while driving? Or, that the drivers don't already know if they are headed north, or south, and need the help? 
Just more wasted taxpayer dollars, used for paint, that will be ignored, instead of putting the money into fixing potholes. Damn govt morons. 

but different in areas miles apart

thank you Chuck! 


  1. Probably means, "Allis Chalmers tractor ahead." Ya think?

  2. An experiment to find out if lane marking could be better.

  3. a pilot program, hence the two designs for striping (and it might be easier to just do NB one way and SB the other). indicates you are within a construction zone. it might be safer for work crews not to have to put up signs / lights / cones everywhere along the route, (and likely. cheaper)

  4. Ours are white first, changing into black. DOT claims that's so you can see them better.
    I'd have to agree with that.
