Sunday, January 31, 2016

Lynn Park's Merc RPU


  1. WTF??? no cutoff switch?

    1. see that stick shift? Either depress the clutch, or hit the stick, and it's out of gear. Not much need for a cut off switch on this one either, as it's not built to drag race, and hasn't run anyone over. Cars that run people over? And have blowers? And twice the power anything you've poked me about? Those need cutoff switches, as the owner obviously wasn't responsible enough to test it for operation. Then he ran someone over. Nor did he design it very well, stuck linkage - exhibit one, cut off in the damn trunk - exhibit 2, running someone over because you can't turn off the ignition, install throttle return springs, nor hit the damn brakes? Exhibit 3 for reasons cut off swtiches are placed on the exterior of the rear of the vehicle so bystanders can be responsible for clowns that aren't responsible for their own, and others, safety. Keep it up Barry, I can do this all damn week
