"Two new laws dealing with the use of wireless telephones while driving ...
Q: When do the new wireless telephone laws take effect?
A: The new laws take effect July 1, 2008
Q: What is the difference between the two laws?
A: The first prohibits all drivers from using a handheld wireless telephone while operating a motor vehicle. (Vehicle Code (VC) §23123).
Q: Can I be pulled over by a law enforcement officer for using my handheld wireless telephone?
A: Yes. A law enforcement officer can pull you over just for this infraction.
But here's where corruption shows its face :
"Q: What other exceptions are there?
A: Operators of an authorized emergency vehicle during the course of employment are exempt"
I conclude that the DMV clearly infers that unless you have a badge, you are considered a 2nd class driver who can't be trusted to drive safe and talk to a cell phone at the same time.
The corollary seems to be that the only people who can safely talk to a cell phone and drive at the same time are such exceptional 1st class drivers they are hired to police the 2nd class drivers; and given police cars and badges because they can simultaneously DRIVE, HOLD A CELL PHONE AND TALK, and PULL YOU OVER FOR TALKING ON A CELL PHONE.
What a farce, a conjured up excuse to raise money for the overspending government.
Instead of citing you when you cause a collision, accident, or harm others... they are omnipotent enough to foresee that all drivers talking on cell phones without a hands free device (not driving an emergency vehicle), are going to harm others, and must be issued a citation and fined by a exceptional (able to hold a cell phone and talk at the same time while driving) 1st class driver. What arrogant pomposity.