Thursday, September 05, 2024

I wondered why this building in Rohr Park, on Sweetwater Rd has a vintage airplane painted on it, there used to be a company called Rohr aircraft, and this was the Rohr Employees Recreational Club.

Ron dropped a comment just now mentioning that Rohr Aircraft has a lot to do with it!

With Fred Rohr's experience as a factory manager and developing a punch-and-die "drop hammer" system at Solar Aircraft Company, working as a sheet metal engineer at Boeing, and working at Ryan Aircraft in San Diego, Rohr started his own company, Rohr Aircraft Company, August 6, 1940.

Rohr and two former engineers from Ryan Aircraft started the company out his garage. Their first contract was with Consolidated Aircraft Corporation building Sperry bombsights, and then one for building cowlings for Lockheed. This new business soon had to get new factory space - a 37,500 square foot building.

The Market Street project, a Federal housing project, opened in 1942 to house 500 families, workers at Solar and Rohr. The one story homes were demountable, and made of a pre-fabricated plywood type of material.

By the 1950's employment at Rohr had grown faster than recreation in the Chula Vista area so the Company purchased 23 acres of land in Bonita Valley and then leased it to the Rohr Employees Recreational Club. 

The property included the main club house, a pool, small buildings, and picnic grounds. Employees paid $1 per month for use of these facilities. However in the early 1960's employment at Rohr and club membership had both dropped. The community also now had beach access, new golf clubs, parks and picnic areas that employees took advantage of. The property was sold to the City of Chula Vista but Rohr still operated the Recreational Club providing athletic and picnic equipment, golf, bowling, and fishing activities for their employees.

Fred Rohr helped revolutionize the aerospace industry in the 1930s, when he developed the first drop hammer for shaping sheets of aluminum. The drop hammer would dramatically speed up the aircraft manufacturing process, which would be vital when the United States entered World War II.

Fred Rohr founded his company on the idea that the aircraft industry would benefit from a “feeder plant” that supplied parts and assemblies to aircraft manufacturers. He believed, and later proved, that his company could make specialized components at a lower cost than the prime contractor could produce them. Rohr’s gamble would pay off, and during World War II, his company became the world's largest producer of airplane propulsion packages, making units for such aircraft as the Consolidated B-24.

thank you Ron! 


  1. Rohr park named after Fred H. Rohr, owner of Rohr Aircraft, early 1900's in San Diego area

    1. thank you! You just opened a lot of research for me to dive into!
