Monday, July 29, 2024

FWIW, the tent cities in the USA have been around for about as long as tents have existed, and they are being brought back by necessity, by the homeless, in a way that illuminates the problem at large - this country creates homelessness and has no solution to the problem

and though most of us in San Diego were aware of this, it's news to the city and county govt that the homeless made a new tent city under interstate 5, in the riverbed of Mission Valley, near Sea World

This upsets environmentalists, because they treasure animals more than humans; the city because it's a blatant and highly visible indication that it's failed to cope with help citizens, voters, and residents who had no choice, option, etc but to live - without enough money to rent. 

I got no idea how the homeless regain the customary residential status, but a LOT of methods have been attempted, and the only one I've heard of that was mostly successful was in Europe, where they were put on something similar to unemployment, which pays for them to be set on the path to success, and given enough time and mentorship, etc, I think the success rate after 1 year was 60% were back in jobs, apartments, and what we consider normal life. 

It seems to me that the city owns more than enough properties that are able to give homeless a civilized normalacy of residence, with electricity, plumbing, sewage, etc. If not, the river will be both a source of water and place for sewage, and human history has clearly made the result known, even to public school grads like me. It's diseases, plagues, etc and didn't covid make the world aware how devastating planet wide that IS? And its so damn simple to prevent

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