Tuesday, February 06, 2024

there once was a time when kids were given a bike, told to be home by sunset, and let loose on the world


  1. The comment is correct. As a child who spent his summers in The Adirondack Mountains of New York, we did exactly what you say PLUS swimming at "the lake," climbing mountains, picking wild blueberries, raspberries and blackberries, and exploring the forests. Grandmas and Mom and my aunts just knew that we would be home on time. We inhaled the scent of pine in the forests. Raint days were spent drawing, writing and reading. Fond memories. No electronic games.

    1. dang it, that's a cool childhood if you've got friends or cousins your age to hang out with. I too was out riding a bike most days, when I wasn't mowing lawns (big damn lawns, took 3 or 4 hours at best) or weeding the gardens, etc.
      But you had mountains... sigh. Michigan does not have mountains. Has a lot of swamps and mosquitos.
      Mom was not a fan of my reading.
      But dang it, Hardy boys, Tarzan, etc... there were so many terrific stories to read.
