Tuesday, February 13, 2024

great photo of that cool old style of helicopters I like the design of

1961, Jackie and daughter Caroline use the Army to give them a ride at taxpayer expense to their horse ranch. 

Yeah, waste of taxpayer dollars so the elite can enjoy the lifestyle of the megawealthy, instead of paying for schools to get text books. Seriously. It boggles my mind how much money is wasted by politicians in lifestyle stuff like this instead of filling potholes, fixing bridges, funding the education system... etc. 

Great photo, but, serious waste of money. Kids can't get a good satisfying lunch in public grade school? How much did it cost for the motorcade, it's security detail, the fuel, etc? Could have paid for a month of better meals in any school. 



  1. Dude, it was 63 years ago.....let it go!

    1. nothing has changed, and my notion of the wasted money that polticians cost the country, the better ways it could be spent than lifelong medical, life long paychecks after getting elected, and the free gasoline and vehicles,... is as accurate today as it ever was. More. Politicians are rarely so poor they need the paycheck, make ridiculous amounts of money on the insider information, but soak up the tax money that could better be used in public schools (which ended up getting Lotto money just to stay open).
      Don't read my rant, and feel your quip changes what I'll think, as, I am aware what is right, moral, and logical. It's simply wrong for the elite and megawealthy to waste the money they raise in taxes, on their lavish lifestyle.
      It's horrible to realize private helicopter rides, are just ignored by YOU, when teachers in schools are paid so abysmally, and can't get a decent budget for classroom supplies.
      But, why should you care? Well, my blog, my personal perspective throughout. This ain't a company blog that has to censor it's writers. It's just me, and I'm just a car guy

    2. Oh, wait... are you seriously coming by to look at ALL THE OLD STUFF I POST... and saying "it was 63 years ago, let it go"?
      Now, do you realize how ridiculous that makes you seem?
      So, all the other old stuff, the old cars, trucks, planes, tanks,and historical facts... you've NEVER said "it was X years ago, let it go"
      THIS is a site about old stuff! It mattered, and dang it, you seriously didn't realize the irony of saying old stuff, events, whatever, should be forgotten, DID YOU! Ha!
      You've fallen for the oldest trick in the book! Never argue with a car guy about old stuff! (Princess Bride quote paraphrased)

    3. the Alamo... the founding of the country... the 4th of July.
      We don't "let it go" around here. We're not commies.

  2. It would be interesting to see how much each president throughout history cost per day in upkeep (security detail, flights to their private properties etc.) Perhaps also how much they were worth before running for office. Some of them, like JFK, were very wealthy to begin with, while others came into office with a somewhat more humble background.

  3. List of wealthiest or poorest presidents when running for office exist, of course.

  4. Nailed it!!! Jesse,you are right on the money(no pun). You don't want to know what Aussies pay out for every past Prime Minister!And we have about seven or eight at the moment! Free 1st class air travel,an office with secretary supplied and it goes on..... As I say ,politicians these days(career) have only one goal,and it is to feather their own nest. Also as I have said,Pollies are like bananas. Why you ask? Because they all start out green and straight and always end up yellow and bent.

    1. thank you! It's ridiculous, and illogical, to have the politicians exist on the taxpayers dollars in perpetuity. If the military can't get a damn payraise, over 3 percent a year, due to the "tight budget" they can certainly free up millions by cutting off the millionaire out of office polticians. (and quit blowing billions on fighter jets)

  5. I'm always amazed, that in a country of 300,000,000+ people, the US population somehow cannot figure out how to elect honest, non-lying people to run the states and the federal government (10,000+ lies and distortions, and was only when he was in office). Or who remember what it was to live like as ordinary citizens, before they became millionaries.

    1. honest people don't run for office, can't compete with the corrupt embedded good ol boy network, and are doing so many other things. Lifelong polticians? Are very focused on getting into office, and staying there (McConnell 39 years, Leahy 48 years, Inouye 49 years, Ted Kennedy 46 years) and once they grease the wheels among their constituents with contracts, etc, they get re-elected with ease. Especially with Hawaii. Biden was in congress 36 years, 8years vice pres, and now a 4 year president. That's 48 years in Washington DC. And though he's getting senile, as did Reagan, he'll get re-elected, as Reagan did. Incumbents simply have a lock on re-election.

  6. In Denmarks there's one leftist party, where MPs will serve for a maximum of 7 years, before they are rotated out. The same party, along with two other leftist parties, out of their MP regular pay, take home the average wage of a skilled worker, while the rest goes back to their parties' funds (as those parties don't get much outside support from the unions or from wealthy individuals.)

    On the other hand one could argue that nat'l politics is something requiring hard learned skills in making policies actually work, much the same way as the skill required running a very large company is something you typically spend many years learning. In the end what matters is whose constituent politicians represent (as opposed to who they claim to represent).

    As for paying politicians wages that make them less likely to be bribed, it's a balance. While it's pretty clear that you think that even the remote idea of a non-corrupt politician is a load of dingo's kidneys, I see them here and there.

    I'm fully know when it comes to politics, we don't merely disagree, but simply live in different realities. But If you have any suggestions as to how a parliamentary system would be less prone to corruption, and more beneficial to the population, I'd like to hear about it.
