Saturday, June 26, 2021

I read an interesting article about smuggling and transporting drugs in Road and Track and they mentioned something interesting

this reminds me of when I learned of a fake Coca Cola truck, the only tell was the first two digits of the id number on the sides of the hood. 

they are the year the truck was bought, or made, and it's very unlikely to be more than 10 years old

the smugglers didn't steal a Coke truck, which would be alerting the cops that one was stolen, but they made a truck look like it was real, "cloning" the look of it, and then moved drugs with it.


  1. The race series IMSA was known as the International Marijuana Smugglers Association. Front runners the Whittington brothers went to jail for smuggling.They paid for two Porsche racecars to race at Le Mans with a suitcase of cash just before the race and may have paid off the odd official or two to overlook certain things.

  2. Drug Smugglers invariable use new or late model vehicles. Then they violate the rules of the road in one form or another. Speeding, not using turn signals, and that attracts attention from the Law. The "I 70" drug tasskforce once set up signs just east of Abilene saying that there was a drug check point ahead. Then they started checking vehicles that exited on Jeep road. Bingo, found a new Pickup packed with drugs.

    1. yup, anyone avoiding a check point is pretty suspect
