Monday, July 20, 2015

15 million page views, 19,000 posts

and just a couple months shy of 9 years of posting

in that time I've been through
15 jobs
4 Comic Cons
3 girlfriends
3 laptops

If you would give me a moment of your time, would you drop me a comment telling me how long have you been following along, and has anything special really stood out since you've been reading along? And how often do you stop by to see what's new?

Thanks! (the grease monkey, gear head, knuckle dragger - nut job running this website)


  1. Thanks for doing it! I dig it!

    1. well thanks! How long have you been following along, and has anything special really stood out since you've been reading along? And how often do you stop by to see what's new?

  2. Hi Jesse, I have been following your blog since ~2008/2009. I check "Just A Car Guy" every morning over coffee and maybe two to four times a day more unless I am away from home or traveling. I can tell when you are away to a big show or event due to lack of posts and look forward to your return to see what goodies you bring back. Nothing in particular stands out to me other than the great composition in your photography and the variety of your posts. The composition of your photography has inspired me to look for the unique features of each vehicle and try to capture that in an interesting way. My personal opinion is; I feel you have the best and most interesting vehicle blog on the net.

    1. thanks! You've been lucky to miss the first couple years, not much content (i do twice as much each day now) and a lot less variety. I sure appreciate the compliment!

  3. Greetings from Sydney, Australia. I first found your site a few years ago and it is one of the few I try to check every day or two. Rarely does the content disappoint, there is always something fascinating which I enjoy. It is a real tribute to your dedication, taste and hard work. I enjoy the variety and also the focus, if that makes sense. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks Matt! Glad you're enjoying it so much! It's only a bit of returning the enjoyment I had when I visited Australia in 1998, Perth and Brisbane. City and country.. it was terrific!

  4. I follow 8-9 blogs, and found your a couple of years ago. Check it every day too, of two or three times. It's smart, often fun, and for the most part about stuff I'm interested in. I lived over there for four years, and your blog a nice reminder of the things I love about the US, plus a few I can do without.

    The content is fine, but as I'm a motorcycle guy and like planes, a bit more of that would be welcome, as I know of no two-wheeler of airplane blogs that come anywhere near the quality of your work. If those two things don't have any more of your attention than it has now, then fine too: It's your labour of love, so just keep doing what you're doing, and it'll make my days a bit better than they otherwise would have been.

    Kim Scholer, Denmark

    1. Thanks Kim! That past couple years were big on WW2 aircraft, sort of by chance, a lot seemed to pop up where I was looking, and really blew my mind. I sure appreciate the compliment, and am glad I've done a good job on the bikes and planes!

    2. PS I may have mentioned this before, but I am the editor of a small motorcycle magazine, so I know the work involved in maintaining that blog of yours. It is so much more appreciated because of that.

  5. For me it will be difficult to remember for how long I been following, I almost check your page daily and try not to miss any post because every one is very interesting, I even have plans to someday send you pictures of my cars, a 55 2 dr hdt chevy and a 58 caddy hearse (yes a hearse). By the way this is my second or third comment in your blog. Please continue forever. Greetings from Venezuela. Elias.

    1. oh you lucky guy! A 55 Chevy is so cool! A 58 hearse? Whoa... that's uncommon! Heck yes send some photos some day... that's a cool couple of cars!

  6. Don't know when I started but I usually stop by every day. Always something fresh and interesting! Keep up the good work!

  7. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Discovered Justacarguy about 3 years ago and been dropping by every night ever since. Although muscle cars, hotrods and customs are my main auto interest, I enjoy the diversity of subject material particularly the locomotives and planes.

    Don't change a thing Jesse...... the visitor numbers to your site say it all.

    1. Thank you! Muscle cars are my main auto interest too... the really interesting stories about them just do not come around often enough to fill the site with them... the one that really stood out for me was the guy at a garage sale who spotted a 69 RS/SS Camaro and bought it, then found out it was am contest give away car

  8. It's probably been less than a year but it's not uncommon to visit daily if not more often. Always seems to be something new and interesting. Great job!

    1. thank you! If/when I am away for a couple days, and you're bored, hit last years archives...

  9. Stated following your blog about 3 years ago and have come back daily ever since. Without a doubt yours is my favorite blog. Keep up the good work.

    1. thanks! You've been lucky and missed the first couple of years, things really picked up since then, and daily content has nearly doubled in the last 2 years

  10. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Congratulations Mr JustACarguy Jesse! Even tho sometimes the site wont let me post - like the day this first popped up - I check it nearly every day for the last 5 + years.
    Cant point to any one particular favourite post, but generically, I like the 'recent past' history stuff the best . [50s, 60s and 70s] Photos are king naturally, but the backstories behind them make the blog. Thanx for the effort ; best wishes to you, the cat and the Dodge!

  11. Less then a year .....stay strong and on coarse
    I like what you've been doing here Very very much

    1. Thanks! Right now I'm at 21.97 million, and 27.5 thousand posts. Sometime this weekend will be the 22 millionth view!
