Sunday, February 05, 2012

Leatherheads, the movie, had some great vehicles from the 1920's... George Clooney driving a motorcycle and sidecar, and Rene Zellweger. Good movie

 I looked carefully at the motorcycle, and can't see who made it. Could be any of several bike companies

 I just learned that these were both made by Eddie Paul, Thanks to Neil Larson for sending me these!


  1. I worked on Leatherheads and have direct knowledge of these bikes. Let me just say they were the biggest piece junk I have ever seen bar none. The list of problems and and poor engineering is to long to even get into. Eddie Paul should have paid the production to take the bike. By the end of production we had to pay a actual motorcycle builder to build a new bike because the three bikes from EP where in such bad shape that they were no longer safe. Just for instance the wheels on the bike came off of a lawn cart like you buy at Home Depot and the axles where 1/4" all thread. You could make it through two takes before the axles had to be changed. I could go on and on. Bottom line EP should be embarrassed to put his name on such shoddy workmanship.

    1. I hope that is due to time and budget limits, and not talent or work ethic

    2. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Thousands of people worked on this movie and your “direct knowledge” of the bikes is a joke. The wheels were not “lawn cart” wheels. They were specially made by Felt Bicycles for this build. Your claims of axle problems are unsubstantiated and your claim that another builder built a new bike is a flat out lie. If you’re such an expert on building, why didnt Clooney go to YOU to build the bikes? We were in contact with the transportation captain throughout the filming of the film and the bike worked so well that the 2 back-up bikes weren’t even used. If there was a problem, why were we paid? Why did Clooney send a thank you when the bikes were returned? You’re just another wannabe that can only spread misinformation to feel good about yourself.

  2. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Easy for some unknown and anonymous bozo to make tall claims and cut down the work of others. These movie bikes that were built in EP’s shop were the actual bikes used in the movie. There were no duplicates made. The wheels were not from a “lawn cart”. They were sturdy cruiser wheels from Felt Bicycles with axles that held up perfectly fine. The problem with the internet and social media sites is that it provides an open forum to haters and wannabes who wish they had the talent to do what only a few actually can do. If Mr. Unknown was so talented, why the hell didn’t Clooney ask YOU to build these bikes? Very few builders could create a period-correct electric-powered replica of an early 1900s Indian. But the number of idiots like this who can talk shit after the fact are many.

    1. that's true, free speech is a problem when it's not verified for accuracy, and the detractors and trolls can anonymously attack a reputation with slander, and never prove a thing, nor even offer a shred of evidence... but, censorship is against my beliefs. Anyone, like yourself, can do more to make a clear proof that trolls are simply malicious, and random nonsense, if you choose to.
      I want to enjoy for a moment though, the hypocrisy of YOU being just another " unknown and anonymous " person unwilling to self identify, as I've done, with your name and email.
      Maybe you can find the honesty to be who you are on the internet more than they can't, but, if you can't, your comments aren't going to carry anything more than "unknown" for self respect and reputation.
      Think about that for a couple minutes.
