If you are looking for the 2012 calendar: http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2012/01/2012-san-diego-and-southern-california.html
If you are looking for the 2011 calendar: http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2011/02/san-diego-car-show-calendar-for-2011.html
For all the car cruises in So-Cal: http://www.socalcarculture.com/cruise_nights.html
Upcoming events of uncertain dates
D'Mac's Pontiac car show
Jan 9th
23rd annual Pepper Tree Frosty
8AM to 1PM
Rain date 1/16/10 info 760-744-3340
January 10th
9:00 am to 3:00 PM
at the 6th Annual La Jolla Motor Car Classic
Info 619-233-5008 events@mcfarlanepromotions.com
Jan 10th
1st Annual Wounded Warrior Ride, Simi Valley
BBQ & Raffle
Meet at SIMI HARLEY at 9am for coffee and bagels (or donuts),
6190 Condor Drive Moorpark,
leave SVHD to VENTURA HARLEY to meet up with any additional riders at 10:30am
1326 Del Norte Road, Camarillo, leave out from there to SANTA BARBARA HARLEY for a BBQ and RAFFLE.
Cost is $20 per person.
Jan 17th
Cruisin Coco's
Sunday mid day, 11 to 3
Rancho Bernardo Plaza
16759 Bernardo Center Drive (behind the chevron Station)
858-485-9419, 858-774-3898, 858-673-1793
January 29 30 31st
61st Grand National Roadster Show,
Pomona Fairplex
Jan 31st
Daddy Os in Pt Loma
9am to 1pm grand opening
Feb 13th
Amigos CC and Individuals CC dance
Nice and Easy Body shop
2350 Main St Chula Vista
Feb 20 – Feb 21
Lakeside Off-Road Days map
Lakeside Rodeo Grounds, 12584 Mapleview St.
off-road vendors, clubs, racing organizations Also featured will be motorcycle and lawn-mower racing in the arena, children’s zone and food.
Information: sdorc.org and (858) 822-8274.
February 26-28
Big 3 Swap Meet, Qualcomm Stadium, San Diego
March 12th and 13th
Temecula Rod Run
March 14th
Paddy Ride at Dublin Mob and party while listening to
Deadbolt, Cashd out, Screamin yee haws, The fooks
Dublin Mob Choppers (619)287-9353 6306 Federal Blvd
March 14th
Pal Joey's Cocktail Lounge
9am to 2 pm
Fundraiser for Dave Costa
For info call 619 562 2732
March 14th,
SCCA San Diego DCCSD Championship,
Qualcomm West Lot
March 19
Racelegal at Qualcomm http://www.racelegal.com/web/news.asp
March 21st
Lowrider Magazine Car Show at Qualcomm Stadium
March 26, 27, 28
Mopars at the Strip,
Las Vegas
March 27th
Wounded Warrior car show
Balboa Naval Hospital
April 1-4
Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend
Shifters So Cal CC, Orleans Hotel
April 2nd
Opening night for the Escondido cruise
April 2nd
Racelegal at Qualcomm http://www.racelegal.com/web/news.asp
April 2nd
Opening night for the Santee Lakes
April 3rd
Cobras and Corvettes first Saturday of the month meeting
Starbucks in the Ikea / Costco shopping center (South west corner)
April 3rd
Twisted MC
4th Annual Bike Blessing at Dennis Allen park
April 3rd
SCCA TART Practice, Qualcomm West Lot
April 10th
Bella Italia 9am to 4pm
Spanish Landing
for more info jhyldahl@cox.net
April 9-11
Del Mar Nationals, Del Mar Fairgrounds
Info 925-838-9876
April 9th, SCCA, National Tour Test & Tune
April 10th, SCCA, National Tour
April 11th, SCCA, National Tour
April 11th
Old Town car show for the American Cancer Society
Twisted Minds Bike Club
April 12th
Lions Club car show at Rancho Bernardo High
April 15th
Beef and Bun cruise
here are directions http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2007/04/if-you-are-around-fletcher-parkway-el.html
April 17th and 18th
Mopar Spring Fling XXIV in Van Nuys Woodley Park
take the 405 to Burbank Blvd
West to Woodley Ave, then North
April 17th
Hot Rod news lecture, McAlister Institute, Johnson Ave
April 17th
Jamul Chili cook off and car show 10 am
April 18th
Annual San Diego Rolling British Car Day
April 18th
10 am to 3pm
Motorcars on mainstreet
Coronado Island in San Diego bay
April 18th
Trueline's 25th annual!
April 21st
Pinnacle Peak will be the Wed night car cruise destination until El Cajon is back
April 23rd
Racelegal at Qualcomm http://www.racelegal.com/web/news.asp
April 24th
Chicano Park car show and festival
10am-4pm (prepare for no available nearby parking because of the huge turn out)
Apr 24th
Beatnik Blowout at the Beach
Ventura County Fairgrounds, 10 West Harbor Blvd., Ventura. CA
Go to venturacountyfair.org for directions

Apr 24th
Mopar club back country cruise
Starts from Gillespie field at 9 am
April 25th
Edelbrock annual revved up for kids open garage car show
Torrance Ca
Vic's Garage 510 Madrid Ave Info 714 803--9216 http://www.revvedup4kidz.com/ http://www.edelbrock.com/
May 1st
Ramona High School car show
May 2nd
Barona Antique Drags
May 2nd
All ford show
Simpson's Nursery
May 7th
Racelegal at Qualcomm http://www.racelegal.com/web/news.asp
May 7, 8, 9
Over the Hill Gang
Campland on the Bay (Mission Bay)
Streak #37
May 8th
George Barris Cruisin’ Back to the 50’s Car Show, 9am
Downtown Culver City
Info 310-499-4840
May's 8th
Allied Gardens Springfest and car parade
10:30ish car show is noon to 2pm
May 15
41st Annual Hanford Motorcycle Show and Swap Meet,
located at it's traditional venue at the Kings Fairground
801 S. 10th Avenue, Hanford, CA 93232
May 15-16
El Mirage
May 15th
Urban Empire MC
Annual Picnic
Noon to 5pm
Dennis Allen Park
May 15th
10am -3pm
Rancho Bernardo Lifebridge Church
Student nurses fundraiser to raise scratch to get them to Haiti to help there
May 15th 16th
Carlsbad Concours de Elegance
Brava motorsports
May 15th
15th Annual Muckenthaler Motor Car Festival
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM (Rods & Customs),
May 16th
Carl's Cruise to the Peterson Museum, basement tour included!
May 16th
Coco's Restaurant, 11-3 PM
16759 Bernardo Center Drive - 858-774-3898 or (858) 485-9419
3rd Sun of the month
May 21st
Racelegal at Qualcomm http://www.racelegal.com/web/news.asp
May 19-23rd
Califonia Healey week in Temecula
May 20th
Beef and Bun cruise
for directions http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2007/04/if-you-are-around-fletcher-parkway-el.html
May 22nd
Pontiacs at the Embarcadero
May 22nd
SoCalAMX's 4th Annual
West Coast All AMC car show!
AMC cars, Nash/Hudson, Metro's AMX's Gremlins Javelins
and I hope Rebel Machine and SC/Ramblers
Wally Parks NHRA Museum at the Pomona Motorplex
May 22nd
Clairemont cruise and monthly car show
Clairemont Neighborhood Cruisers, 5 to 8 p.m.
every fourth Saturday, Starting May 22nd
next to Outback Steakhouse and Woody's Chili dogs,
4250-D Clairemont Mesa Blvd., in Clairemont Town Square.
The cruise features vehicles from 1976 and older.
Also featured will be opportunity drawings and trophies for cruisers. Information: (858) 573-9285;
or e-mail CNC-SD@san.rr.com
May 22nd
Pine Valley run to the hills
May 23rd
Cruise to Liberty Station
(2640 Decatur, San Diego)
So Cal Street Rod Association
9am to 2pm For info call 619 562 2732
May 23rd
LowRiderFest at Qualcomm
May 23rd
Julian Classic Motoring show
May 28-30
May 29th
Grape Day Park in Escondido annual car show
May 29th
10am - 3pm
Foothills Christian Church
315 W. Bradley, El Cajon, CA
May 30th
Hooters of Oceanside car show
Hooters & Hot Rods - Hooters 3186 Vista Wy
9AM - 2PM - Info 619 562-2732
May 30th
Bob's Big Boy Car Show
Hours: 5 pm to 8 pm
Contact Phone: 951-737-7063
June 3rd
La Mesa Cruise night season opener
June 4th
Racelegal at Qualcomm http://www.racelegal.com/web/news.asp
June 5th
Balboa Park Auto Museum car show (might not be at Balboa, yeah, all the problems of last year revisited, confusion in the early days and they might change locations.)
June 5th
Duece day at Bates Nut Farm
June 5th
Huntington Beach Concours de Elegance
Classic Car & Motorcycle Show - Two Days of Fun
Huntington Beach Central Park
7111 Talbert Ave. - Huntington Beach,
June 6th
Curves are for cars
Dave and Busters Mission Valley
June 11th
Racelegal at Qualcomm http://www.racelegal.com/web/news.asp
June 12th
Rush Truck Center truck show and shine
June 13th
Tustin Ca
All Mopar car and truck show and swap
9 am to 330 pm
June 13th
Felicita park Escondido
Fords and Friends picnic
June 17th
Encinitas downtown Mainstreet car cruise
S. Coast Highway 101 from D Street to J Street
The 3rd Thursday of the month from June to Sept
June 18th
Mopar night at Escondido
June 19th
Twisted MC picnic
Qualcomm will be the location for the stunt show, tug of war, and bike show
June 19th and 20th
46th annual LA Roadsters Show
June 25th
Racelegal at Qualcomm http://www.racelegal.com/web/news.asp
June 30th
El Cajon car cruise season opener
July 9
Alley Cat Car Show
2119 East Madison Ave
4pm to 9pm
For more info Contact Nora Boswell @ nboswell@stmsc.org
July 10th
Crower Cams and Equipment Company, Inc. is very excited to invite you to our Open House and Car Show. We had a lot of fun last year seeing everyone and all your cars. This year will be BIGGER. This year will be HOTTER. BE THERE.
Crower Cams and Equipment Company, Inc.
6180 Business Center Court San Diego, CA 92154
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Free Admission
Food will be available.
Want to show your car? Call us at 619-661-6477 or e-mail us at carshow@crower.com.
July 10th
King of Clubs (6th annual)
Barona 1/8th mile dragstrip
15 bucks admission
1750 Wildcat Canyon rd
For more info lifterscc@hotmail.com
for galleries from the last couple years at the King of Clubs: http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/search/label/Barona
July 10th
Cops and Rodders
North Park
July 13th
Chula Vista car cruise,
Twisted Minds BC is the featured guest in front of Fuddruckers
July 16th
Racelegal drag racing at Qualcomm
July 17th
Mopar annual Carlsbad car show
8am to 230pm
at least two cackling dragsters will be there, the Chisler and the Ivo slingshot dragsters and a vintage semi tractors
Benefit fundraiser for USO and Homefront San Diego
July 18th
East County Crusiers at Simpsons Nursery

July 18th
Mooneyes Summer 2010 Show and Drag
xmas show makeup dry event
July 24th
Hot Rod Resurrection 8
Car show Extravaganza
Hot Rods, Bobbers, Choppers, Sleds, Customs, and Piles
July 24th
Imperial Beach car show
Seacoast drive
Benefits the Boys and Girls club
July 30th
Racelegal drag racing at Qualcomm
July 31st
MCRD car and cycle show
8am to 10pm
This is the Xmas in July "Toys for Tots" to get those in stock for kids
August 1st
National City Kimball Park car show
August 6th
Racelegal drag racing at Qualcomm
August 7th
Clairemont Neighborhood Park
and family day car show
for information call (858) 581-9924

Aug 15th
Wild Rides and Classic Cars Showdown
Pacific Beach
8am to 3pm
Bikini Contest, Engine Blow Up, and Burlesque Show
619 562-2723
August 20th
Racelegal drag racing at Qualcomm
Aug 21st
2nd annual Cool Classic Car Show
9am to 2pm
Studebakers, Pierce Arrow, Packards, Erskins, Rocknes, and EMFs
Aug 21
9am to 2pm
1st annual car show
Boys and Girls club of San Dieguito
Aug 22nd
Twisted Minds Bike Club Lowrider show
Cabo Wabo restauarant at 30th and Main in National City,
take the 28th street exits

Sept 4th and 5th
Primer nationals Kustoms, Hot Rods, and Bikes
at the Ventura County Fairgrounds, 10 West Harbor Blvd
Opens at 9am, costs $10
Sponsored by the Beatniks of Koolsville
Sept 6th
Qualcomm Swap Meet
Sept 10th
Racelegal drag racing at Qualcomm
Sept 12th
Belmont Shore car show
Sept 15-18th
Bonneville speedweek
Sept 18th
Motorhead madness annual car show at Poway Transmissions
Sept 19th
Prowlers Car show at Simpsons Nursery
Sept 19th
10am - 3pm
Credit unions and cars 3rd car show (formerly at Fun Bike Center)
Benefiting Rady Childrens Hospital
9201 Spectrum Center Blvd
for more info call Gene Roberts @ 619 890-7737
Sept 24th
Racelegal drag racing at Qualcomm
Sept 25th - 26th
Speedfest North Island Naval Air Station
Late Sept (if it's not superceded by the May 15th Hanford show)
Annual Antique Motorcycle Show
El Camino College
16007 Crenshaw Blvd., Torrance, CA. 90506
Oct 3rd
Veteran's Car Show
8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Jerry L. Pettis Memorial VA Medical Center
11201 Benton
Loma Linda, Calif.
Oct 8th and 9th
Temecula Fall Rod Run,
Friday Cruise 5pm & Saturday Show & Shine 8am
Info 951-245-9355 http://www.rodruntemecula.com
Oct 9th
Santee Trolley Station car show
Oct 10th
JBA Auto Center “Dawn Patrol Cruise”, San Diego, 10am
5675 Kearney Villa Road http://www.greenspeedco.com
Oct 10th
2nd Annual Fifth Avenue Auto Showcase, San Diego, 11am
5th Ave, between E St. and K St.
Info 619-233-5008 events@mcfarlanepromotions.com
European, Detroit Muscle, American Legends, Model T/ Horseless Carriage & Classics
Oct 10th
2nd Annual Fall Festival & Car Show, Vista, 10am
Rancho Buena Vista High 1601 Longhorn Dr.
Info rbvgradnite@cox.net or 760-295-3128
Oct 16th and 17th
Del Mar Concours d’ Elegance at the Del Mar racetrack and fairgrounds
Featured marque is Porsche, and British motorcycles
All proceeds from a lavish charity dinner the evening of the 16th will benefit the Susan G Komen for the Cure Foundation http://www.komensandiego.org/
On the 17th will be the finest automobiles and British motorcycles from local as well as worldwide collections
The public is welcome.
Advance tickets are available for $25 at http://delmarconcours.com/ or $30 the day of show.
Oct 23rd and 24th
Winfield and Watson's
3rd Custom Car gathering / Tribute to Von Dutch and Ed Roth
With George Barris and Bill Hines and others you might recognize
Oct 23rd
Ramona Main Street
Historical Society Car Show
Nov 2nd-Nov 5th
Nov 6th
2nd Annual all San Diego Car Lover Show, Escondido, 10am
Escondido Elks Lodge
2430 South Escondido Blvd.
Info 619-232-0777 http://www.corvettesofsandiego.com
Nov 14th
Pal Joey’s 2nd Annual World Famous Car Show,
Allied Gardens, San Diego, 7am
Info 858-277-0049
Nov 19-21
13th Southwest Nationals, Scottsdale, AZ
Info 925-838-9876 http://www.good-guys.com
Dec 11-12
American Muscle Show Down, Del Mar Fairgrounds
Info http://www.americanmuscleshowdown.com
Dec 12
25th Annual Street Masters Christmas Cruise for Kids,
Torrey Pines High, 8am
3710 Del Mar Heights Rd. & Pancake Breakfast by world famous chefs
http://www.socalcarculture.com/events.html http://www.downtownescondido.com/cruisin.html
If you are looking for the 2011 calendar: http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2011/02/san-diego-car-show-calendar-for-2011.html
For all the car cruises in So-Cal: http://www.socalcarculture.com/cruise_nights.html
Upcoming events of uncertain dates
D'Mac's Pontiac car show
Jan 9th
23rd annual Pepper Tree Frosty
8AM to 1PM
Rain date 1/16/10 info 760-744-3340
January 10th
9:00 am to 3:00 PM
at the 6th Annual La Jolla Motor Car Classic
Info 619-233-5008 events@mcfarlanepromotions.com
Jan 10th
1st Annual Wounded Warrior Ride, Simi Valley
BBQ & Raffle
Meet at SIMI HARLEY at 9am for coffee and bagels (or donuts),
6190 Condor Drive Moorpark,
leave SVHD to VENTURA HARLEY to meet up with any additional riders at 10:30am
1326 Del Norte Road, Camarillo, leave out from there to SANTA BARBARA HARLEY for a BBQ and RAFFLE.
Cost is $20 per person.
Jan 17th
Cruisin Coco's
Sunday mid day, 11 to 3
Rancho Bernardo Plaza
16759 Bernardo Center Drive (behind the chevron Station)
858-485-9419, 858-774-3898, 858-673-1793
January 29 30 31st
61st Grand National Roadster Show,
Pomona Fairplex
Jan 31st
Daddy Os in Pt Loma
9am to 1pm grand opening
Feb 13th
Amigos CC and Individuals CC dance
Nice and Easy Body shop
2350 Main St Chula Vista
Feb 20 – Feb 21
Lakeside Off-Road Days map
Lakeside Rodeo Grounds, 12584 Mapleview St.
off-road vendors, clubs, racing organizations Also featured will be motorcycle and lawn-mower racing in the arena, children’s zone and food.
Information: sdorc.org and (858) 822-8274.
February 26-28
Big 3 Swap Meet, Qualcomm Stadium, San Diego
March 12th and 13th
Temecula Rod Run
March 14th
Paddy Ride at Dublin Mob and party while listening to
Deadbolt, Cashd out, Screamin yee haws, The fooks
Dublin Mob Choppers (619)287-9353 6306 Federal Blvd
March 14th
Pal Joey's Cocktail Lounge
9am to 2 pm
Fundraiser for Dave Costa
For info call 619 562 2732
March 14th,
SCCA San Diego DCCSD Championship,
Qualcomm West Lot
March 19
Racelegal at Qualcomm http://www.racelegal.com/web/news.asp
March 21st
Lowrider Magazine Car Show at Qualcomm Stadium
March 26, 27, 28
Mopars at the Strip,
Las Vegas
March 27th
Wounded Warrior car show
Balboa Naval Hospital
April 1-4
Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend
Shifters So Cal CC, Orleans Hotel
April 2nd
Opening night for the Escondido cruise
April 2nd
Racelegal at Qualcomm http://www.racelegal.com/web/news.asp
April 2nd
Opening night for the Santee Lakes
April 3rd
Cobras and Corvettes first Saturday of the month meeting
Starbucks in the Ikea / Costco shopping center (South west corner)
April 3rd
Twisted MC
4th Annual Bike Blessing at Dennis Allen park
April 3rd
SCCA TART Practice, Qualcomm West Lot
April 10th
Bella Italia 9am to 4pm
Spanish Landing
for more info jhyldahl@cox.net
April 9-11
Del Mar Nationals, Del Mar Fairgrounds
Info 925-838-9876
April 9th, SCCA, National Tour Test & Tune
April 10th, SCCA, National Tour
April 11th, SCCA, National Tour
April 11th
Old Town car show for the American Cancer Society
Twisted Minds Bike Club
April 12th
Lions Club car show at Rancho Bernardo High
April 15th
Beef and Bun cruise
here are directions http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2007/04/if-you-are-around-fletcher-parkway-el.html
April 17th and 18th
Mopar Spring Fling XXIV in Van Nuys Woodley Park
take the 405 to Burbank Blvd
West to Woodley Ave, then North
April 17th
Hot Rod news lecture, McAlister Institute, Johnson Ave
April 17th
Jamul Chili cook off and car show 10 am
April 18th
Annual San Diego Rolling British Car Day
April 18th
10 am to 3pm
Motorcars on mainstreet
Coronado Island in San Diego bay
April 18th
Trueline's 25th annual!
April 21st
Pinnacle Peak will be the Wed night car cruise destination until El Cajon is back
April 23rd
Racelegal at Qualcomm http://www.racelegal.com/web/news.asp
April 24th
Chicano Park car show and festival
10am-4pm (prepare for no available nearby parking because of the huge turn out)

Beatnik Blowout at the Beach
Ventura County Fairgrounds, 10 West Harbor Blvd., Ventura. CA
Go to venturacountyfair.org for directions

Apr 24th
Mopar club back country cruise
Starts from Gillespie field at 9 am
April 25th
Edelbrock annual revved up for kids open garage car show
Torrance Ca
Vic's Garage 510 Madrid Ave Info 714 803--9216 http://www.revvedup4kidz.com/ http://www.edelbrock.com/
May 1st
Ramona High School car show
May 2nd
Barona Antique Drags
May 2nd
All ford show
Simpson's Nursery
May 7th
Racelegal at Qualcomm http://www.racelegal.com/web/news.asp
May 7, 8, 9
Over the Hill Gang
Campland on the Bay (Mission Bay)
Streak #37
May 8th
George Barris Cruisin’ Back to the 50’s Car Show, 9am
Downtown Culver City
Info 310-499-4840
May's 8th
Allied Gardens Springfest and car parade
10:30ish car show is noon to 2pm
May 15
41st Annual Hanford Motorcycle Show and Swap Meet,
located at it's traditional venue at the Kings Fairground
801 S. 10th Avenue, Hanford, CA 93232
May 15-16
El Mirage
May 15th
Urban Empire MC
Annual Picnic
Noon to 5pm
Dennis Allen Park
May 15th
10am -3pm
Rancho Bernardo Lifebridge Church
Student nurses fundraiser to raise scratch to get them to Haiti to help there
May 15th 16th
Carlsbad Concours de Elegance
Brava motorsports
May 15th
15th Annual Muckenthaler Motor Car Festival
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM (Rods & Customs),
May 16th
Carl's Cruise to the Peterson Museum, basement tour included!
May 16th
Coco's Restaurant, 11-3 PM
16759 Bernardo Center Drive - 858-774-3898 or (858) 485-9419
3rd Sun of the month
May 21st
Racelegal at Qualcomm http://www.racelegal.com/web/news.asp
May 19-23rd
Califonia Healey week in Temecula
May 20th
Beef and Bun cruise
for directions http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2007/04/if-you-are-around-fletcher-parkway-el.html
May 22nd
Pontiacs at the Embarcadero
May 22nd
SoCalAMX's 4th Annual
West Coast All AMC car show!
AMC cars, Nash/Hudson, Metro's AMX's Gremlins Javelins
and I hope Rebel Machine and SC/Ramblers
Wally Parks NHRA Museum at the Pomona Motorplex
May 22nd
Clairemont cruise and monthly car show
Clairemont Neighborhood Cruisers, 5 to 8 p.m.
every fourth Saturday, Starting May 22nd
next to Outback Steakhouse and Woody's Chili dogs,
4250-D Clairemont Mesa Blvd., in Clairemont Town Square.
The cruise features vehicles from 1976 and older.
Also featured will be opportunity drawings and trophies for cruisers. Information: (858) 573-9285;
or e-mail CNC-SD@san.rr.com
May 22nd
Pine Valley run to the hills
Cruise to Liberty Station
(2640 Decatur, San Diego)
So Cal Street Rod Association
9am to 2pm For info call 619 562 2732
May 23rd
LowRiderFest at Qualcomm
May 23rd
Julian Classic Motoring show
May 28-30
May 29th
Grape Day Park in Escondido annual car show
May 29th
10am - 3pm
Foothills Christian Church
315 W. Bradley, El Cajon, CA
May 30th
Hooters of Oceanside car show
Hooters & Hot Rods - Hooters 3186 Vista Wy
9AM - 2PM - Info 619 562-2732
May 30th
Bob's Big Boy Car Show
Hours: 5 pm to 8 pm
Contact Phone: 951-737-7063
June 3rd
La Mesa Cruise night season opener
June 4th
Racelegal at Qualcomm http://www.racelegal.com/web/news.asp
June 5th
Balboa Park Auto Museum car show (might not be at Balboa, yeah, all the problems of last year revisited, confusion in the early days and they might change locations.)
June 5th
Duece day at Bates Nut Farm
June 5th
Huntington Beach Concours de Elegance
Classic Car & Motorcycle Show - Two Days of Fun
Huntington Beach Central Park
7111 Talbert Ave. - Huntington Beach,
June 6th
Curves are for cars
Dave and Busters Mission Valley
June 11th
Racelegal at Qualcomm http://www.racelegal.com/web/news.asp
June 12th
Rush Truck Center truck show and shine
June 13th
Tustin Ca
All Mopar car and truck show and swap
9 am to 330 pm
June 13th
Felicita park Escondido
Fords and Friends picnic
June 17th
Encinitas downtown Mainstreet car cruise
S. Coast Highway 101 from D Street to J Street
The 3rd Thursday of the month from June to Sept
June 18th
Mopar night at Escondido

Twisted MC picnic
Qualcomm will be the location for the stunt show, tug of war, and bike show
June 19th and 20th
46th annual LA Roadsters Show
June 25th
Racelegal at Qualcomm http://www.racelegal.com/web/news.asp
June 30th
El Cajon car cruise season opener
July 9
Alley Cat Car Show
2119 East Madison Ave
4pm to 9pm
For more info Contact Nora Boswell @ nboswell@stmsc.org
July 10th
Crower Cams and Equipment Company, Inc. is very excited to invite you to our Open House and Car Show. We had a lot of fun last year seeing everyone and all your cars. This year will be BIGGER. This year will be HOTTER. BE THERE.
Crower Cams and Equipment Company, Inc.
6180 Business Center Court San Diego, CA 92154
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Free Admission
Food will be available.
Want to show your car? Call us at 619-661-6477 or e-mail us at carshow@crower.com.
July 10th
King of Clubs (6th annual)
Barona 1/8th mile dragstrip
15 bucks admission
1750 Wildcat Canyon rd
For more info lifterscc@hotmail.com
for galleries from the last couple years at the King of Clubs: http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/search/label/Barona
July 10th
Cops and Rodders
North Park
July 13th
Chula Vista car cruise,
Twisted Minds BC is the featured guest in front of Fuddruckers
July 16th
Racelegal drag racing at Qualcomm
July 17th
Mopar annual Carlsbad car show
8am to 230pm
at least two cackling dragsters will be there, the Chisler and the Ivo slingshot dragsters and a vintage semi tractors
Benefit fundraiser for USO and Homefront San Diego
July 18th
East County Crusiers at Simpsons Nursery

July 18th
Mooneyes Summer 2010 Show and Drag
xmas show makeup dry event

Hot Rod Resurrection 8
Car show Extravaganza
Hot Rods, Bobbers, Choppers, Sleds, Customs, and Piles
July 24th
Imperial Beach car show
Seacoast drive
Benefits the Boys and Girls club
July 30th
Racelegal drag racing at Qualcomm
July 31st
MCRD car and cycle show
8am to 10pm
This is the Xmas in July "Toys for Tots" to get those in stock for kids
August 1st
National City Kimball Park car show
August 6th
Racelegal drag racing at Qualcomm
August 7th
Clairemont Neighborhood Park
and family day car show
for information call (858) 581-9924
August 14th
The Xman's 8th annual cruise for the cause

Aug 15th
Wild Rides and Classic Cars Showdown
Pacific Beach
8am to 3pm
Bikini Contest, Engine Blow Up, and Burlesque Show
619 562-2723
August 20th
Racelegal drag racing at Qualcomm
Aug 21st
2nd annual Cool Classic Car Show
9am to 2pm
Studebakers, Pierce Arrow, Packards, Erskins, Rocknes, and EMFs
Aug 21
9am to 2pm
1st annual car show
Boys and Girls club of San Dieguito
Aug 22nd
Twisted Minds Bike Club Lowrider show
Cabo Wabo restauarant at 30th and Main in National City,
take the 28th street exits

Sept 4th and 5th
Primer nationals Kustoms, Hot Rods, and Bikes
at the Ventura County Fairgrounds, 10 West Harbor Blvd
Opens at 9am, costs $10
Sponsored by the Beatniks of Koolsville
Sept 6th
Qualcomm Swap Meet
Sept 10th
Racelegal drag racing at Qualcomm
Sept 12th
Belmont Shore car show
Sept 15-18th
Bonneville speedweek
Sept 18th
Motorhead madness annual car show at Poway Transmissions
Sept 19th
Prowlers Car show at Simpsons Nursery
Sept 19th
10am - 3pm
Credit unions and cars 3rd car show (formerly at Fun Bike Center)
Benefiting Rady Childrens Hospital
9201 Spectrum Center Blvd
for more info call Gene Roberts @ 619 890-7737
Sept 24th
Racelegal drag racing at Qualcomm
Sept 25th - 26th
Speedfest North Island Naval Air Station
Late Sept (if it's not superceded by the May 15th Hanford show)
Annual Antique Motorcycle Show
El Camino College
16007 Crenshaw Blvd., Torrance, CA. 90506
Oct 3rd
Veteran's Car Show
8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Jerry L. Pettis Memorial VA Medical Center
11201 Benton
Loma Linda, Calif.
Oct 8th and 9th
Temecula Fall Rod Run,
Friday Cruise 5pm & Saturday Show & Shine 8am
Info 951-245-9355 http://www.rodruntemecula.com
Oct 9th
Santee Trolley Station car show
Oct 10th
JBA Auto Center “Dawn Patrol Cruise”, San Diego, 10am
5675 Kearney Villa Road http://www.greenspeedco.com
Oct 10th
2nd Annual Fifth Avenue Auto Showcase, San Diego, 11am
5th Ave, between E St. and K St.
Info 619-233-5008 events@mcfarlanepromotions.com
European, Detroit Muscle, American Legends, Model T/ Horseless Carriage & Classics
Oct 10th
2nd Annual Fall Festival & Car Show, Vista, 10am
Rancho Buena Vista High 1601 Longhorn Dr.
Info rbvgradnite@cox.net or 760-295-3128
Oct 16th and 17th
Del Mar Concours d’ Elegance at the Del Mar racetrack and fairgrounds
Featured marque is Porsche, and British motorcycles
All proceeds from a lavish charity dinner the evening of the 16th will benefit the Susan G Komen for the Cure Foundation http://www.komensandiego.org/
On the 17th will be the finest automobiles and British motorcycles from local as well as worldwide collections
The public is welcome.
Advance tickets are available for $25 at http://delmarconcours.com/ or $30 the day of show.

Winfield and Watson's
3rd Custom Car gathering / Tribute to Von Dutch and Ed Roth
With George Barris and Bill Hines and others you might recognize
Oct 23rd
Ramona Main Street
Historical Society Car Show
Nov 2nd-Nov 5th
Nov 6th
2nd Annual all San Diego Car Lover Show, Escondido, 10am
Escondido Elks Lodge
2430 South Escondido Blvd.
Info 619-232-0777 http://www.corvettesofsandiego.com
Nov 14th
Pal Joey’s 2nd Annual World Famous Car Show,
Allied Gardens, San Diego, 7am
Info 858-277-0049
Nov 19-21
13th Southwest Nationals, Scottsdale, AZ
Info 925-838-9876 http://www.good-guys.com
Dec 11-12
American Muscle Show Down, Del Mar Fairgrounds
Info http://www.americanmuscleshowdown.com
Dec 12
25th Annual Street Masters Christmas Cruise for Kids,
Torrey Pines High, 8am
3710 Del Mar Heights Rd. & Pancake Breakfast by world famous chefs
http://www.socalcarculture.com/events.html http://www.downtownescondido.com/cruisin.html
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