above photo from http://us-muscle.tumblr.com/

In Dec '06 I posted about the Turbonique bolt on power adder, http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2006/12/once-men-were-allowed-to-be-men-crazy.html#links And with the links in that posting you can get to the websites that have more about these monster power boosting gadgets, but I have come across a couple other photos and links if you like to be amazed once more: here are pics of a go cart with the Turbonique boosters.... connected to cars, motorcycles, go carts, boats, practically anything with an engine that could use an extra 1000 horsepower.
Via http://horsepowersports.com/turbonique-rocket-kart-for-sale/#more-81 who found this on Ebay, the fuel for these? Thermolene rocket fuel, a combination of nitromethane, propane and oxygen, they were essentially a rocket powered turbine.
for a good video about the heir to the RJ Reynolds tobacco company's Galaxie 500 with a "rocket drag axle" from Turbonique
For all the advertising I've came across about Turbonique: http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2009/06/turbonique-advertising-turbo-axle-and.html
Gallery of the Galaxie from http://darkdraggon.tumblr.com/post/68425156098/maythedownforcebewithyou-oldschoolgarage
Gallery of the Galaxie from http://darkdraggon.tumblr.com/post/68425156098/maythedownforcebewithyou-oldschoolgarage