Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Police allege Larry Grogan is the rightful owner of over 100 vehicles, which were allegedly sold without his knowledge to unknowing customers, and now, even though the cars have been legally registered to new owners for over 2 years, they are getting impounded from the registered owners

Grogan only discovered the theft of the vehicles “when an employee attended at the MTO office to transfer the ownerships of more than one hundred vehicles from one Grogan corporation to another and discovered that some of the ownerships were not registered in their corporate name, but in other people’s names.”

The people who purchased these cars “are experiencing the worst possible consequence of purchasing a vehicle from a person who is not a registered motor vehicle dealer,” lawyer Downs told the Sun. “Had they purchased from a registered motor vehicle dealer, they would be entitled to be repaid the purchase monies that they paid to the registered dealer.”

Not only were cars allegedly sold by people who did not own them and then purchased by people who could not legally own them, there were alleged efforts to ensure the paperwork put through the Ministry of Transportation and Service Ontario appeared authentic.

“The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Lambton County crime unit received a complaint in late 2023 regarding stolen vehicles with a combined value of approximately $3 million.”

If people can get an ownership card from the province that says it’s their car and then have police come along three years later and say they don’t actually own it and insist they hand it over, then there is no system people can trust.

“We paid our tax on it, insurance and all our fees,” said Wayne. “It’s no difference than anybody buying a used car. We did everything right. This could happen to anybody.”

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