Sunday, August 25, 2024

over 2,000 vehicles on the road in North Texas do not have air conditioning... the UPS spokesman says "we are on plan or ahead of schedule on all ... contractual agreements"

"Last year the company and Teamsters agreed to additional measures to help employees working in the heat; we are on plan or ahead of schedule on all of those contractual agreements," said UPS spokesperson Jim Mayer.

The agreement with the Teamsters included equipping all new vehicles purchased after January 1, 2024, with AC and making modifications to our existing package cars to improve airflow, temperature and comfort for our drivers.

notice the difference in the numbers... over 2000 without AC just in North Texas, but " A spokesperson for UPS sent the following statement to CBS News Texas": We have hundreds of vehicles with AC operating on the roads today (there are 76,000 vehicles in the UPS fleet)

That could be one of those many examples of official statements that sound like the problem is solved or under control, but in fact, it's only spin control. It sounds like one thing, but has no context, and so the fact is it's bullshit.

if this sounds familiar, it's because I am effing pissed that in the last year, the UPS company hasn't done shit to install AC into the old fleet of delivery vans, I know, because I posted about this 2 years ago then 13 months ago, the teamsters went on strike and got a contract upgrade, but it didn't have a real world result yet it seems obvious to me

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