Saturday, July 13, 2024

here's a sentence I've never heard before, but it's real "daughter searched for mom's 71 Barracuda for 12 years, found it while her mom could appreciate it, then took two years to restore it, and now goes to car shows with it!"

One of her brothers got the 71 383 'Cuda from her mom, and sold it without telling anyone in the family, and a decade later, it was on craigslist ready to get the restoration complete. 

the Arizona sun cooks cars and destroys plastic

She got to use her mom's 'Cuda for Prom and high school graduation! 

Her mom was still alive when she got the car, but passed away before the restoration was complete

Her mom had bought the car at age 38, to stick it to her ex husband right after the divorce. 

cool photo composition, with the primary colors in contrast

nice to see it in a museum

cool photo


the propeller powered car (which is surprisingly rear steered) was at Goodwood!


WHAT in the world of wacky racers is THIS? Bruce knew, (thank you!) it's the Shadow Mk1 Can Am.

I was looking at this, and not really interested, UNTIL

They hit the air brake panels for fully deployed! 

2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed Best of Day 1

Pastrana and the Family Huckster put on a good show, and the Ford Supervan was mighty quick, but I enjoyed watching Ryan Tuerck drift his Toyota truck up the hill, the most

and for a different view of this run,
see the previous video at 7:51
see the next video of the Petty Superbird and Beast of Turin post and forward to 9:01 for another set of cameras recording this run

For some odd reason, the Petty Superbird was sent up the hill on a slow exhibition run alongside the Beast of Turin, which Richard Petty rose in as passenger

Forward the video to 7:23 for the Superbird and Fiat

Thursday, July 11, 2024

a real 70s speed shop, still in business, where this guy walked in and bought a pair of Thrush glass packs! This place is still full of cool aftermarket parts, and doesn't have any effing LED light arrays! No Honda fart can mufflers!

Parks Auto Parts, Charlestown South Carolina

Hollywood was absolutely crazy about helicopters in the early 80s (Blue Thunder, Airwolf, Magnum PI, A Team, Riptide (and helos shooting into bldgs)) but Larry Hagman in a chopper movie? Crazy! Thanks George!


you can see the entire movie on You Tube, but this is just a short sample of the stunts

NYPD vehicles old motto — "Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect" — will be replaced with decals bearing the new one: "Fighting crime, protecting the public." and it's only costing the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars

BMW is hosting an autocross event for bimmer owners, in Petco Park's parking lot! This is only interesting, because this means autocrossing events can be held downtown!

I'm sure of these parking lots, it's going to be the "Lexus Premier Lot" because the "tailgate" parking lot has trees everywhere

the guys at Dale’s Wheels Through Time Museum in North Carolina went through a 45 Harley engine, replacing the valves, clean the carburetor, and lubricate everything before firing it up for the 1st time in 60 years

Goodwood's Festival of Speed began today, and runs through Sunday

the 2000 hp Lotus immediately crashed after a smoky launch.

this sad sorry Mustang once left a Ford dealership with a happy owner, on day one of it's driving existence. That was a real hard existence it seems, hit, crashed, broken into, probably stolen. Now abandoned in an industrial/commercial business park

license plate from Alabama "THC420" and a handicapped symbol instead of the Toyota or Mazda or Hyundai symbol

 I couldn't get the camera to focus on that plate (instead of the window reflection) before the light turned green

are they driving around with a used car lock box on the back window?


Looks like I may have found the car that hit my car... my next door neighbor, of course. The tape measure shows that the damage to my car, and the damage to their car, are both from about 14" off the ground to 25" off the ground

I think you might see how similar the height is