Saturday, October 31, 2020

In the theme of Halloween costume disguises... the handicap parking spots at a Mexican restaurant

I think this qualifies for Halloween post material, a Jeep in Barbie Jeep colors... I've never seen one before

in the theme of the day, Halloween, and scary stuff, is this - the call to the insurance company when you hit an expensive car!

I still haven't come across more cool Halloween cars than the Holbrook's "Reaper's Rejects"

October's banners, 74 of them

so, it occurred to me that you regulars that like the banners posted each month, might prefer to only see a "best of" each month instead of all of them.

that occurred to me becau8se when looking at them as a group, some are not up to par. 

comment if you want to weigh in on this and see all, or just the best, of each months banners, in the future