Sunday, October 22, 2023

there's a place called Rufford Ford that won't build a bridge (for vehicles, they have one alongside for pedestrians, understanding how much pollution is being washed off the cars and then downstream), and a guy that records all the people that bravely/stupidly drive through the flood every time

Tom's you tube channel is at

All the leaked oil, leaked transmission fluid, leaked power steering fluid, leaked brake fluid, grease, brake dust, that's washed downstream must be quite horrible

By the way, a few cars make it past the water, but so much water gets into the air filter, that the engine can't get enough air on the other side of the water, and conks out

A fair amount of undercarriage aerodynamic panels are ripped off the cars too

And I found that Tom explains the situation, and the area history that caused this situation, very well 

and then... there are the Karens! 

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