Friday, April 14, 2023

tragic, avoidable and ironic - police brutality at an anti police brutality protest, resulted in a woman being shot in the eye, and the city responsible losing a lawsuit and paying her ten million dollars (instead of them keeping their cops in control)

A woman shot with a projectile and blinded in one eye during the George Floyd protests reached a financial settlement with the city of La Mesa who settled because she was shot with a projectile for $10 million.

Leslie Furcron, 59, was struck in the head by a round of bean bags deployed by LMPD. She is now in a medically-induced coma, and her incident has also left local activists demanding answers and change in policing.

As I recall from my police academy training, deliberate head shots by cops with bean bag shotgun rounds, are illegal, as they are lethal, and the point of "less than lethal" bean bag rounds is to change the mind of the person getting shot, without wounding or killing them, as govt sanctioned lethal methods must be authorized by the judicial system (death sentence) or meet the requirements of the legal "lethal force" definition of police procedure

Would this protest have turned out this way if the cowards running the city and county govt been brave and professional, and brought out tables and chairs and listened to the protestors, brought in their secretaries, assistants, managers, and had an informal meeting and discussed the issues, the demands of the voters, residents and constituents? Nope. Not that anyone has tried, but sending in the shock troops and swat gets the same result every time... never gets communication accomplished. See the movie The Trial of The Chicago 7 to see how the govt runs a protest the wrong way, and how smart protestors must be to avoid the obvious pitfalls the govt will throw in the way of the citizens who demand the govt change to be "of the people, for the people and by the people" instead of run by lifelong politicians looking to get rich by the benefits of the powerful position, insider trading, and real estate investments

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