Thursday, November 30, 2023

the U.S. Air Force went to great lengths to make sure the world takes notice of $16 Billion in stealth bombers in one place, ready to launch and destroy an enemy


  1. so one bomb or attack can take them all out? I sure hope they don't keep them all in one place

    1. exactly, they let the world know ahead of time where they will all be, ready and waiting, loaded with bombs and fuel, so that when bombed, the explosion will be incredible.
      No, you retard, learn to read.
      They are ready, on the runway, to launch. This photo op lasts a moment, then they flew off to be in the air, and since these are the radar invisible type of bomber, this photo is about the only proof they exist. That they are on the runway, proves they are ready to fly, and drop bombs.
      You can't really be that stupid, can you?
