Tuesday, November 28, 2023

looks track ready

the build thread at https://www.pro-touring.com/threads/65204-1968-Camaro-(projekt-1sickT8)?utm_medium=email&utm_source=protouring&utm_content=2023-12-05&utm_campaign=takethedrive

shows that this was in real bad shape when found, and bought for $100


  1. It may be display only,but to be track or indeed,road ready;I'd be putting some steel into those inner wheel wells! just sayin'

  2. It will get fiberglass or carbon fiber inner fender wells. Oddly enough, I have been running my car without inner fender wells for three years and I have one tiny spider crack - still need inners for sure though. This car was built in 25 days and somethings were sacrificed to get it ready in time for the big show.
