Wednesday, June 21, 2023

and that makes 55,000 posts

 I really don't even know what to say anymore, this is about the 20th time I've hit a new miles stone

I think I was surprised to hit 10k, 20k, 30k, 40k, 45k, 50k, and now 55k

Last June, on the 5th, I was at 51k... - so math says I've put up 4k posts in the past year, and THAT is solid. Looking back at the years of posts, I've done a couple at 4700, a couple just over 5k, but the past 2 years were in the high 3k on average... so 4k exactly in exactly one year? I'm still putting out solid numbers

and I thought I was done


  1. Thanks for your dedication to sharing so much good stuff, Jesse, I've been enjoying it for a long time. Greetings from Sydney, Australia

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it!
      Aww shucks, I'm an honorary Australian! I do what I can to share the best!

    2. Yes Mate,You deserve that title! And...never say never. Congrats,once again.

  2. Well done. What you cover is just unbelievable. Keep on .....

  3. If you never have the most content (and you might) You sir will go down in history of having the best and most interesting content ever.

  4. Nice work Jess, you just keep on, keeping on!

    1. awwwww! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, I feel like a Quokka looks!

    2. Just so you know, I had to look up Quokka.............Thanks. You're the gift that keeps on giving. ;-)~

    3. Lol, I am deep in useless information, and critters that are on the other side of the planet that we were never taught anything of in USA public schools. Like the Binturong, and the Pangolin. The Quokka is my 3rd in the trifecta of interesting animals that stand out, there are others, many others that are, to me, 2nd tier interesting, like the Genet, and Fossa

  5. PS. But who's counting? hehe..
