Friday, December 04, 2020

the sister of the stupid young man that was caught doing 181 on interstate 15 in San Diego, came on to my blog to talk shit in the comments.

She is not smart. 


  1. I looked at the guy's Facebook profile. I'd call him a douche just for getting an Edward Scissorhands tattoo.

  2. Wow... he broke both his hands, lost his career, and became a douchebag. You lost both your legs (defending our country), lost your career and became what appears to me as a pretty successful blogger.

    1. How many lives did he put at risk on the freeway at 181 miles an hour, THIS time? I doubt it was the first triple digit cruise on the free way he's made. Likely, it's a weekly occupation.
      So, he's got zero regard for other people, their life, health, or the damage he'd do to their family if he killed someone in a crash, or their parents, kids, or love of their life

  3. I love these "you have no right to do this". Really? So call the cops. The way she jumped to defend a criminal explains it all. He's not just a douchebag, he's a spoiled douchebag who has family support for every shit he do.
