Thursday, October 10, 2019

fancy fancy fancy... even the caterpillar tracks have white walls! (thanks Shas!)

French motorized artillery battery on parade where howitzers are towed by Somua MCG 4-11 halftrucks.

Shas wrote in to say that "white stripes on the tires were a "must-have" on every parade in some USSR satellites countries


  1. Always thought it was funny to see the May day parade and those big old BTR's waxed up to a bright shine with white walls

    1. Only waxed up? To this days tires are painted black before parades to look "brand new".

    2. I meant the shine on the tanks and trucks themselves, the sort of sheen that is contrary to them needing to be hidden from the enemy. There's a book entitled 'Tank Commander' written by a soviet tank commander who defected to the US during the hight of the cold war. He commented on the parades, and that much of the gussied up equipment was set aside for that purpose, and far from combat ready.
