Monday, August 19, 2019

Billy O caused me to realize something when he pointed out I misspelled Saunders

39,830 posts.... so far. There are going to be misspellings. Plus, I've been doing this a while, and could lose it at any moment. So, in summation, choose carefully how many times and why, that you'd like to send in corrections to something like spelling errors.

Especially if it's Monday morning and I haven't had coffee. In which case, you'll ruin the warm happy fuzzy feeling I've produced from a morning of blogging cool fun stuff. In other words, I'm just barely keeping an even keel, need coffee, not corrections. So, if you know a coffee store that could be my next home, with wi fi, and a soft place to sit for hours and hours, tell me that, instead of correcting spelling errors

Mondays - they are like that.

I think a need another weekend, and SEMA, and coffee. And a forest. There just aren't any forests in so cal.... and it's been about 8 years since I've even driven through a forest. I haven't walked through one in about 20 some years. Maybe I just need a good sized lake and to go fishing. With coffee. For bluegill.


  1. If you want to spend some time in a cabin by a creek in the middle of a forest in the north Georgia mountains, let me know, I have friend with just the place. a rustic secluded one room cabin, with running water and electricity, thats almost a mile from the next closest house.

    I will pick ya up at the airport in Atlanta and give you the keys to my 4WD SUV you will need to get back in to the cabin, the road has only been scraped 3 times since 1993.

    1. sincere thanks! That sounds amazing! I can't take advantage of that offer anytime in the foreseeable but maybe someday.
