Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Gravity and rust finally overcame the Packard Bridge around 3pm today in Detroit - which, not surprisingly, never did a thing to remove or support the bridge and prevent a collapse


  1. This is a real shame. And I thought they were going to fix it in the restoration project you posted last year? Guess that didn't have the money.

    1. Yeah, I thought that the purchase and clean up that began would get somewhere... I'd say it was a start, in order to sell condos, rent out buildings, get some interest going, but that was the end of it after it started. Just too large a project for anyone who has an interest in making a profit. So, it was make to look a bit nicer, and that was the end of it I suppose

  2. I took a drive by of this place in May of 18. There was a security group patrolling the place. Probably to keep out vagrants and homeless. My opinion is this restoration job is just too big. Even if I had the resources, and was a powerball winner, I would for dang sure find something else to grind away my money and time.

    1. yeah, there are a lot of things in whatever county, state, country, or continent we live in, on, or near that could benefit from a lotto win, far more than the wreck of a building that has been bought, sold, flipped and abandoned by rich people looking to profit from it, but which should have been demolished a long time ago by the company that built it, the city it's an eye sore of, and the state it's in. That's a lot of entities that can, and should, just demo it, and recycle the bricks, steel, concrete, and land it's on.
