Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Lap blankets... now, there is a piece of history of 100 years ago, when cars didn't keep the passengers warm or dry

1 comment:

  1. Back in the late 90's I was in northern New York in my 1972 Dodge Dart... Already being on the road for two hours, the heat did all it could do keeping the windshield clear... It was after sunset, clear skies, and about 15°. Lucky for me I had a wool blanket in the back seat.
    It was this ride as well, that I had to drive under the arc of snow, coming from one of those large highway snowblower the State DOT was using breaking and pushing back snow drifts... They had to blow it to the opposite side of the highway because the bank on their side was too tall for the machine to blow over.
    Some of the trip the it was driving in a canyon of snow, vertical walls, about 2½ stories tall...
