Thursday, August 08, 2024

Scott C. was at comic con and his booth was full of cool watercolor art!

 I LOVE famous Hollywood movie and tv car compilations!  This is titled Driving Machines Enjoying Pizza

Scott C seems to often get a theme going, and do many characters and variations on that theme, one result was James Dean and his Porsche

Another theme was the Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore scene in Ghost, where they were at a potter's wheel

But in that way, he's done AMAZING stuff, like the pop culture / Hollywood - a 3 book series (that is also free online) called The Great Showdowns or even better,

Not only is this a good example of how great Scott C's art is, it's also one of the "Great Showdown" series, and also, has the Spiderman on the motorcycle, and the Spiderman dune buggy

See a huge gallery of his work, hundreds of his creative characters, themes, etc at and 

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