Saturday, August 17, 2024

I stumbled across a new tv show, Spaced Out, about interior decorating of the blank check variety

this 74 Countach S is hanging on anchors to the steel beams in the walls, with cables around the back, because this car was a beach car that had been stored too long in the salt air by the beach, and the gas tank was so rusty that it made a repair not economically feasible. The big issue was blowing out the oil and brake fluid so that there would be no leaks down the wall

Yes, a Lambo on the wall as interior decorating. Like I said, blank check variety

1967 Dodge military truck

This model of the TWA Constellation, claims it was outside Howard Hughes' office, and since he was the majority stockholder or owner of TWA, that makes sense. He also requested a 40-passenger transcontinental airliner with a range of 3,500 miles, and that requirement led to the Constellation, designed by Lockheed engineers, including Kelly Johnson.

1 comment:

  1. While the Constellation was ordered by Hughes the ones for TWA were diverted to the military. I seem to remember he didn't get them until the end of the war. Stunningly beautiful aircraft in my opinion. First Air Force One (Columbine II) was the presidential aircraft for Dwight D. Eisenhower from 1953 to 1954.
