Saturday, August 24, 2024

I just learned of (and just met at Comic Con) the artist and Renaissance man who once worked at Petersen publishing on CAR-toons in the early 70s, and just recently made a full collection of his CAR-toons work

What a great explanation for the Sphinx! 

I bought my copy for 35 bucks I think it was... and wow, it's like a 70s time machine! 
I recommend it for the Hogg In Oz spoof, and the History of the Car, parts 1, 2 and 3. The cartoon spoof on spaghetti westerns is pretty cool too. 

read this interview...  I had no idea William Stout got Grace Jones into the Conan movie


  1. Today we learned about a company we never heard of that made roller cams.

    Kenny Harmon and Cliff Col
    lins started Harmon & Collins in 1945. After
    a short period they split up with Cliff keeping
    the Harmon & Collins name and focusing
    on high performance ignition systems and
    Kenny developing engines for inboard boat
    racing. He later downsized and started K-H
    Cams strictly making motorcycle camshafts.
    Don’t pester your local dealer looking for
    one of these, H&C closed its doors years ago.

    Add this to your labels file.

    1. thanks for the research! That cam maker jumped out at me when I was reading that comic... I just passed on looking it up so I could post other stuff
