Thursday, February 29, 2024

Compliment of the day!

Your site is still my first stop every single damn morning. Thank you for making it a little easier for me to get my lazy ass out of bed.

Thanks DB! 


  1. I Second That. You are the first and the best period!

    1. Thank you! I hope you take a look through the best of someday, you'll probably be impressed, because there are 10 times as many posts a week as the number I consider to be really good ones, and quite a while ago I would look through the entire years worth on New Years Eve, and pick the best ones, put all the links in ONE post for the year, so that instead of a dozen so so posts a day, a reader could go back and see the stuff that was truly outstanding (to me) without all the filler. Like having desert, without the 4 course meal some pretentious chef made of stuff you can't pronounce and never heard of, and wouldn't eat if you were paying for it.

    2. Oh yeah! About 8 years ago, I reposted all those "best of" on a facebook page, so, instead of clicking on links, anyone can simply stop by and look through the good stuff.
      Then I printed all of it, put it all in a binder, and tried to get a job with a magazine company by having them look through the good stuff. It didn't work, they simply weren't hiring or expanding.
