Friday, July 15, 2022

standing ovation for AL Blackman, who has been a aviation mechanic for American Airlines, for 80 freaking years. They had a party at his 75th year.... this one ought to be impressive!

Al graduated aviation high school in 1942!

For his 75th anniversary, the airline dedicated a Boeing 777 in his honor, which he then took on a joyride above New York.

Al is a 96-year-old mechanic is celebrating his 80th work anniversary, making him the most senior employee at the airline, and probably the most senior employee in the airline industry. That means that anyone working for 40 years and retiring, could have had kids, and THEY could have retired, in just the years that Al has been WORKING. 

1 comment:

  1. Betty Nash, move over! This is so great!
