Saturday, November 07, 2020

dealerships during the corona crisis...

 I took the commuter (Hyundai Veloster) into a Hyundai dealership to het the hatchback latch replaced, as it stopped working a month ago, and it's quite inconvenient to get into the cargo area through the back seat.

That's when I discovered that the customer lounge area is now off limits

and they do not have a shuttle driver. 

This dealership uses Lyft. Hmmm. Serves more customers, simultaneously, not sequentially, and the dealership doesn't pay medical, doesn't have to pay fuel, etc.

So why didn't they use taxis before this? Were taxis more expensive than Lyft? 


  1. Veloster? 2 or 4 doors one?

    1. the only ones we get in the USA are 3 doors

  2. Did the dealer pay for the Lyft, or did you have to?

    1. the dealership did, but I tipped the drivers 5. I have taken dealership shuttles before, and never thought to tip the drivers, just shows how weird tipping is
