Friday, August 21, 2020

time for some humor: When it's school picture day, but you've got a '73 Cutlass Supreme to sell at 3:45


  1. friend of mine growing up,in the 70s was an appliance salesman, he was 14, would get off the school bus in the afternoons at the general store, ( they sold everything from gasoline to clothes, guns to groceries) and he would proceed to sell more appliances between 4 pm and 9 pm, than the other people sold from 7 to 4, dude owns a sears catalog store now, and a few years ago sears threatened to yank his franchise because he was selling stuff too low priced.

    1. That's what you call, MOVING THE MERCHANDISE! What a bunch of idiots Sears is. Too many bean counting yuppies.

  2. Ha, that's Johnny Knoxville.
