Friday, June 14, 2019

A thought occurred to me

Due to some bad drivers out there that often are the reason people get into car wrecks, and sometimes die

It makes sense to have some things put in order so that after we check out, things move along smoothly, the govt doesn't inherit your stuff, and your passwords all go to someone who'll take car of your online  world, banking, and what ever else.

So, I thought, Hmmmmm, I oughta ask around, and see if anyone wants to take over JACG if I should get planted in a cemetary sooner than anticipated due to unforeseeable events which might cause no one to be left in charge of keeping up the site for those that enjoy it.

So, anyone want (when I quit breathing) a slightly used archive of cool stuff that takes a lot of time each day to publish some fun stuff for sharing with people that like vehicles of all kinds?

Anyone that doesn't want to have any advertisers to argue with, no subscriptions to maintain, low expectations of the blogger, but a moderate amount of commentary to respond to daily?

let me know in the comments section, and not with email. See, if you don't have a blogger / Gmail account/profile, you're already unable to run this blog. Unless you'd transfer all the archives and blog to a new domain of your choice (and why would I care?) on a .com, .org, or whatever.

Just asking, you know, to see that things continue on with a cool person from anywhere with internet access, of any nationality, language (google can auto translate), or other variation from my circumstances of birth. I know there's nothing particularly inherent in a yooper that makes for a good blog.

Just someone that knows they'll keep it up for some years before passing it along to the next car crazy goofball, never repeat what's already been posted, and not let the quality and quantity slide too much, and become some Old Motor like shell of it's previous self. A dozen photos a week is bullshit. I can do that while burping.

I don't want to just have it *POOF* disappear when the 20 dollar a year storage fee from Google comes along, and then all the archives and fun stuff will disappear from the internet. 


  1. Id be willing to do it,
    I love your site , and you're thoughtful enough to think of this. in case something happens to you, I bet alot of people dont think of it.

    although, Im 53, so you'll probably outlive me.
    my son is 21 and a certified gear head just like me.

    1. can you post more than 5 things a day? With variety, the news sometimes, lots of humor, some appreciation for art, photography, design, cars, trucks, trains, planes, jeeps, atvs, and so on, for a couple years at least, or until you find a replacement? I'm 48, I doubt I'll outlive anyone my age, I eat too much garbage, and bacon. My entire family has a history on both sides of cancer. I drive too fast, in a car with more power than brakes. I am not living a placid life far from the maddening crowd, I'm commuting with hundreds or thousands of others, in the 7th largest city in the USA, on interstates 90% of the time. I bet insurers would rate me as unlikely to get to 90 years old.

  2. I love the idea of passing on your work and your archive is a legacy to remember you by.
    Would I like to take it over? I'd rather eat worms (and I'm a vegetarian). I've no concept of how you've managed to keep on posting fascinating stuff, day after day, year after year.
    Please don't die.

  3. Jesse, thanks for thinking ahead this way. I've been asking people in the Nimbus motorcycle community here in Denmark to do make sure their websites just don't disappear when they themselves do.

    If nobody is willing to pick up the mantle, and JACG should be frozen in time, it'd still be a good way of having all that material to browse through every so often. It'd also keep the memory of you alive. If $20 a year ensures that it'd be there for us to enjoy, then have a 'JACG Memorial Collection' drive and earmark the money for however long the funds allow for it.

    I know it's a bit morbid, but in my own will I have funds set aside for the party I want the guys at my workshop to have, in case I croak before they do.

  4. If you do it, the first $20 bill will be from me.

  5. I hope you live a while yet. If you're going to eat garbage and bacon, at least eat some bitters, too. Dandelion root is a good start. It helps the liver to produce bile which aids digestion. Also, stay home after dark on Saturday nights and stay sober. Lots of accidents occur then.

    1. I hope so too! I have a lot of things to do! Places to see! People to meet! Books to read!
      Oh hell no I'm not eating bitters. I'm not eating brussel sprouts either
      I actually rarely drink, when I do I have a beer, but that usually gives me a headache the next day...
      and I'm never out late, as I have a blog to add to! Lol, well, that's not the reason. I'm just broke
